What consoles does the slate vcc emulatr
What consoles does the slate vcc emulatr

VCC retails for $249.99 and it does require an iLok2 more info on Slate Digital's VCC can be found at Slate Digital's Website or you can give this little bit of forum conversation from GearSlutz a look for some unbiased opinions from users who've actually used VCC. I don't have an iLok2 for the demo so I can't make any opinions as to how it actually sounds but, judging from the internet audio geek chatter so far it will certainly have a powerful presence on the music of those people who purchase it. Digital sound is quite brittle and lacking any real sense of space, anything you can do to combat this downfall within your work is worth it. However, for those of you who actually do prefer the digital realm this might be your ticket to giving your productions some real depth and feel. To be fair I should mention that it's not only the sound I love about analog, it's the feel and feedback you get from actually touching something. Throw Virtual Channel on your individual tracks and place Virtual Mixbus over the master channel/bus and you've got yourself a nicely modeled analog console under control of your mouse.

what consoles does the slate vcc emulatr

Having two separate plug-ins allows the user to mix and match modeled console channel strips and models of some very celebrated analog mix buses together. VCC comes with 2 plug-ins Virtual Channel and Virtual Mixbus. The 4 console models you have are not directly named by Slate Digital but one can make assumptions based off experience and assume: Brit 4k= SSL, US A= API, Brit N= Neve and the Psi= Trident. Slate Digital's VCC is modeled after 4 legendary analog consoles and when I say model I'm referring to the analog saturation, character & depth that consoles induce upon source material both in the channel section and on the mix bus. Slate modeled high quality analog mastering gear with impressive results and there's no doubt in my mind that Slate's VCC plug-in will re-write the standards upon which all other digitally modeled analog saturation plug-ins will be judged. I don't own VCC yet, so I haven't heard it but if it's anything like FG-X there won't be much need to hear VCC before I buy it. Slate's Virtual Console Collection is one of those plug-ins breaking new ground within the digital audio industry. No plug-in will ever be able to offer the smooth, non-linear musical nature of analog processing but some are getting very close and that's good news for all of us that don't have thousands of dollars to spend on analog consoles.

what consoles does the slate vcc emulatr

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about Slate's Virtual Console Collection, keep reading to find out why. The ability it has to maintain dynamics and clarity under even the most punishing of digital signals is truly remarkable. I am a very satisfied owner of Slate Digital's FG-X and can honestly say that there isn't a compressor/limiter plug-in I've used that can even hold a candle to FG-X on the mix bus. It would be an understatement to say that I'm excited for this release, in fact to be more true to my feelings I should say that I'm ecstatic.

What consoles does the slate vcc emulatr